A space to post my thoughts and musings about anything. This includes but is not limited to community, politics, current events, relationships, LGBTQ+ issues, favorite things, and stuff that would make your dead relatives blush. I am not afraid to go there, as some can attest.

June 16, 2008

Week of Pride Notes

I already mentioned the kickoff party at Freddie's, so I will start with Tuesday since I missed the Town Hall on Monday.

Tuesday was the Interfaith Service at Foundry United Methodist Church. A number of folks from different groups were there to give blessings and lead the service. It was intriguing to watch all of the different groups perform their own ceremonies and blessings, along with discuss their thoughts on how we all are one. The main sermon was good as well, and there was audience participation as well. I ended up running into a friend of mine, Fritter, who haven't seen in over a year, so there was some quick catching up to do as well.
Recommendation: Attend this event.

Wednesday was the Mr. and Mrs. Capital Pride pageant. I didn't actually see a lot of this, mostly because I am not a fan of drag shows, and I got so bored that I left after half an hour. I also was questioning some of the way that the show was done. All of the Mr Capital Pride competitors were introduced one by one to the stage and they each had a bio about them read while they showed off, and then they made an opening statement to the judges. As for the Ms. Capital Pride contestants, the four "new" contestants had the same thing done, but then the last two contestants, who had been Ms. Capital Pride in the past, each came out and did a musical number instead. In my mind that made me go, "Wait, why did the former Ms. Capital Prides get to do a musical number instead of being introduced with a bio and statement like the others? Have we got some shenanigans going on here?" I asked Joe about it later, and he said that they purposely have some contestants start out with a musical number instead because it will stall the show long enough that other contestants can accomplish their costume changes. He says that the dressing area becomes a clusterfuck as it is, and it would only be worse if they ran short on time. My advice to the organizers, try not to have only former Ms. Capital Prides do their musical number in the beginning, it could look bad, especially when there's already rumors that the show is fixed.
Recommendation: Skip it, unless you're really into drag shows.

Thursday was the bachelor and bachelorette auctions. I only watched the bachelor auction because let's be honest, I'd rather see the guys ;-) I went into the event with the wrong impression that it was to auction off dates with these guys. Nope, the guys were representative of certain prizes that had been donated to the event, if you wanted a date with the guy, well that would have to be arranged between you and them :-) I handled working with getting the auction winners over to pay for their prize and hand them the prize envelope when the payment was done. There really are some fabulous prizes to bid on, such as vacations and airline tickets. Of course, there's also the eye candy. As bids go higher, clothes start coming off, at least down to underwear. There were definitely a few cuties there, but man some of them freak out too easily. I'm standing there waiting for a credit payment to go through and one of the bachelors comes up and says "Can you get out of the way so I can go get my clothes on NOW?!" Damn boy, chill the fuck out. Anyway, if you decide you want to go and bid, bring plenty of money, these boys don't come cheap ;-)
Recommendation: Go, even if it's only to ogle eye candy, be sure to at least make a donation

Friday night I missed the party at Town due to circumstances beyond mine and JH's control. I hear it went well, so it might be worth going, as long as there is a better host next year. Saturday night's party at Fur on the other hand was apparently a disaster. I'll wait to see what the report on that is, if I ever see it.

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